
Like Cassandra in Greek mythology,today's Cassandra looks at the American political landscape and warns of danger ahead.


As an ex-journalist and government worker, I'm one of those rare Americans who actually cares about the country's future and pays attention to what's happening in the present. With this blog, I hope to make people look more critically at the news. It's our duty as citizens to know what's going on and to speak out.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


"Azzam the American," a turn-coat who now works for Al Qaeda, just issued a video tape urging Americans to convert to Islam. CNN played it and it sounds like a "Saturday Night Live" skit. If it weren't so tragedic, it would be comic.

Azzam, born Adam (how cutesy), is an American traitor extolling the virtues of an ideology that seeks to destroy his birth country. He's telling beer-guzzling, cheesecake-viewing, fast-food eating Americans they should give it all up to worship a desert god that delights in slaughtering "infidels," anyone other that its flock.
Right. Keep dreaming and praying in your cave, Azzam.

The sad part of this whole cartoonish affair is that the U.S. media takes it so seriously, airing this propaganda. Just exactly why are the fever dreams of a traitor newsworthy?


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