
Like Cassandra in Greek mythology,today's Cassandra looks at the American political landscape and warns of danger ahead.


As an ex-journalist and government worker, I'm one of those rare Americans who actually cares about the country's future and pays attention to what's happening in the present. With this blog, I hope to make people look more critically at the news. It's our duty as citizens to know what's going on and to speak out.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Brave little Israel, surrounded by sworn enemies, stands like David against the Goliath of world terrorism. The U.S. has its hands full in Iraq. Cowardly Europe talks and appeases. The United Nations remains a publicity forum for evil-doers. But Israel gets into the trenches and fights.

When will the world wake up? When Western civilization is on its deathbed? All of today's battles are incited by Islamic terrorists: Israel, Somalia, Darfur, Chechnya, Iraq. They ram the World Trade Center towers killing 3,000 and blow up trains in Madrid, London and Bombay, killing hundreds. To what purpose?

The purpose is to create fear and chaos, to marshal the billions of Muslims in the world to hate the West and incite them to murder all "infidels." Who benefits from this? The dictatorial Arab governments. They have huge numbers of underemployed, sexually-repressed young men who can turn their anger against their own countries. So they're instead encouraged to turn their rage onto the West. Who better to be the "devil" than Western "infidels?"

Even those who enjoy the freedoms and luxuries of living in a democracy, like the youths in France and Holland, turn violent against their hosts. They arrive as poor, illiterate beggars and, thanks to the European welfare systems, acquire the education, cellphones, computers and bomb ingredients to blow up their host cities. Why bother to assimilate the country's culture when they can demand it change to accommodate their religious fanatism?

World War III has begun. The stakes are high. If we lose, we can be catapulted back to the Stone Age. We have no option but to fight Islamic terrorism with all the skills and weaponry of our 2lst century civilization. The longer we wait, the stronger the worldwide Islamic net becomes. It's time for all freedom-loving countries to stop bickering amongst themselves and use the weapons of the internet, television, financial transactions, satellites and arms to wipe out the terrorists.


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