
Like Cassandra in Greek mythology,today's Cassandra looks at the American political landscape and warns of danger ahead.


As an ex-journalist and government worker, I'm one of those rare Americans who actually cares about the country's future and pays attention to what's happening in the present. With this blog, I hope to make people look more critically at the news. It's our duty as citizens to know what's going on and to speak out.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Every detainee in Guantanamo is innocent, or so he claims. One is a tailor, another a farmer, another a student, all unfortunately swept up in Afghanistan or another country doing nothing but minding their own business. Even the self-admitted driver to bin Laden says he's done nothing wrong. He drove a mass murderer around. What's the big deal? That's no worse than driving the getaway car in a robbery. You can't be accused of a crime, or can you?

They moan and whine that the mean guards treat them badly. Let's see. They have three meals a day (made according to their religious requirements), the best medical and dental care of their miserable lives and free time to read the Koran, supplied by the mean guards. They should be paying the U.S. resort rates for the Guantanamo Hilton. Some have even acquired the best-trained lawyers the West can offer.

Yet the professional bleeding hearts in the U.S. and Europe call for "more humane treatment" of these guys. The fact that the do-gooders can protest at all is because they're lucky enough to live in democractic countries, which these detainees want to destroy.

The inmates are the guys who seek to replace democracy with their own brand of Islamic fascism. They are schooled in madrassas to hate Westerners, trained by master terrorists to blow up anything that moves, themselves included, inflamed by murderous clerics and taught to lie if captured. And no matter how harshly they perceive their treatment, it's 10,000 times better than living conditions in their own barbaric countries.

Prisoners are never happy, no matter what. And they're always innocent. Just ask their mothers.


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