
Like Cassandra in Greek mythology,today's Cassandra looks at the American political landscape and warns of danger ahead.


As an ex-journalist and government worker, I'm one of those rare Americans who actually cares about the country's future and pays attention to what's happening in the present. With this blog, I hope to make people look more critically at the news. It's our duty as citizens to know what's going on and to speak out.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Diplomats keep insisting that the way to counteract Islamic terrorism is to appeal to and support moderate Muslims. They delude themselves. There are no moderate Muslims.

After some of his neighbors were rounded up for a murderous plot to bring down American planes, a Brit Muslim said "They are considered ordinary British Muslims and they haven't caused any harm to anyone," accountant Mohammed Naeem said of the suspects. "They come from decent families." Mohammed has passed judgment and in his view they're all innocent, no matter what the facts show.

This follows on an alarming poll that indicates that 80% of British Muslims put their religion ahead of their allegiance to their country. The European community is once again hiding its head in the sand, hoping the threat will go away. Sorry, fellas, it won't. Like your Munich appeasement strategy of Hitler, this approach will fail.

Islamic fascists have to be confronted and defeated. It's painful, it's costly, but to defeat determined, murderous terrorists only their eradication will do the trick.


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