
Like Cassandra in Greek mythology,today's Cassandra looks at the American political landscape and warns of danger ahead.


As an ex-journalist and government worker, I'm one of those rare Americans who actually cares about the country's future and pays attention to what's happening in the present. With this blog, I hope to make people look more critically at the news. It's our duty as citizens to know what's going on and to speak out.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


A disturbing new report says that famine will increase as the world's water supply dwindles and/or becomes polluted. Water shortages mean fewer crops. Population growth means more mouths to feed. Those trends will converge and overwhelm the world by 2050.

Instead of relying solely on coming up with sophisticated new techniques for saving or extracting water from the oceans, as the report suggests, here's a novel idea.
Let the world's poorest and driest nations stop churning out children. In fact, that's a good idea for all nations. There should be a family planning campaign to stop at two. Look how China is thriving now that it's limiting population growth.

Instead of trying and failing to export democracy, the U.S. should be exporting education and devices for birth control and abortion clinics. While opponents may yell that abortion is "murder", rational people realize that overpopulation is suicide. And those prim ladies sitting in their suburban cocoons are not going to be safe while the rest of the world is dying of thirst.


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